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Sometimes it is good to laugh at yourself!

Did you hear about the cannibal accountant?
He charges an arm and a leg

Have you heard the joke about the interesting accountant?
No, me neither

What do you call an accountant with an opinion?
An auditor

Why are accountants always so calm, composed and methodical?
They have internal controls

What is the one golden rule for bookkeeping?
Don’t make silly mistakes

What does an accountant do to liven up an office party?
Not show up

What do you call an accountant without a spreadsheet?

How do you know when an accountants having a mid life crisis?
They get a faster calculator

What happens when you lock a wild hyena and an accountant in a room?
The hyena stops laughing

What do you call a Trial Balance that does not balance?
A late night

What do you call an accountant without a calculator?

What is the definition of an insolvency practitioner?
Someone who arrives after the battle, bayonets all the wounded, pawns their possessions and charges their time to the relatives.